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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001511channel: elrepo/el8kmod-mptsaspublic2025-02-23 20:32
Reporteralexlzm1990 Assigned Topperry  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0001511: Request for kmod-mptspi on RHEL/Rocky 8.8
DescriptionIt looks like kmod-mptspi is only rolled for RHEL 8.7/RHEL 8.9/RHEL 8.10
Can we please have a RHEL 8.9 package prepared?

Thank you!

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2025-02-23 20:31

administrator   ~0010317

The kmod-mptsas package was not specifically rebuilt for rhel8.8 which would indicate that the el8.7 package retained compatibility with el8.8, so you should be able to use the el8_7 ISO image with an el8.8 installation.
If this isn't working for you, then I would suggest you try installing with an el8.7 distro image and updating to el8.8.
I assume there is a reason you want to stay on el8.8 and not update to the latest release (rhetorical question)? Elrepo only supports the latest Enterprise Linux release, and older versions remain in the repo for convenience only.
Closing as there is nothing for us to do here.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-23 08:53 alexlzm1990 New Issue
2025-02-23 08:53 alexlzm1990 Status new => assigned
2025-02-23 08:53 alexlzm1990 Assigned To => pperry
2025-02-23 20:31 pperry Note Added: 0010317
2025-02-23 20:32 pperry Status assigned => closed
2025-02-23 20:32 pperry Resolution open => no change required