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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001507channel: elrepo/el8--elrepo--request-for-enhancement--public2025-01-28 00:19
Reportersdimitro Assigned Totoracat  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Platformx86_64OS VersionRocky 8.10 
Summary0001507: Need cuse.ko when installing fuse3
DescriptionHi there,

Apologies if this is not the correct category/channel etc.

We're using Rocky 8.10 and have a need to expose some CUSE drivers. Unfortunately even though the fuse kernel module gets installed from the fuse3 package, the CUSE one (cuse.ko) is nowhere to be found.

Any chance it can be added?
Steps To Reproduce```
[root@serapheim-rocky10-0 ~] 2025-01-27 23:33:32 $ modprobe cuse
modprobe: FATAL: Module cuse not found in directory /lib/modules/4.18.0-553.16.1.el8_10.x86_64

[root@serapheim-rocky10-0 ~] 2025-01-27 23:33:40 $ find /lib/modules/4.18.0-553.16.1.el8_10.x86_64 | grep fuse
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2025-01-27 17:23

administrator   ~0010291

Unless I'm mistaken, this is an issue with Rocky Linux. In RHEL-8, the cuse kernel module is available.

I suggest you report this problem to Rocky. But first you may want to update your system by running 'dnf update'. Kernel-4.18.0-553.16.1.el8_10 is quite old and they only support the current version.


2025-01-27 20:52

administrator   ~0010292

I confirm that the cuse kernel module is missing in Rocky's kernels.

[toracat@rocky8 ~]$ uname -r
[toracat@rocky8 ~]$ find /lib/modules -name cuse.ko.xz
[toracat@rocky8 ~]$ ll /lib/modules/4.18.0-553.36.1.el8_10.x86_64/kernel/fs/fuse/
total 88
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 69684 Jan 22 08:51 fuse.ko.xz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 13248 Jan 22 08:51 virtiofs.ko.xz
(missing cuse.ko.xz)
[toracat@rocky8 ~]$ grep CUSE /boot/c*

As seen above, the kernel config lines are correct (CONFIG_CUSE=m). However, there is no cuse.ko.xz in the /lib/modules directory. This is quite strange.

For comparison, here's how it looks like in RHEL-8:

[toracat@m64r8 ~]$ uname -r
[toracat@m64r8 ~]$ find /lib/modules -name cuse.ko.xz
[toracat@m64r8 ~]$ ll /lib/modules/4.18.0-553.36.1.el8_10.x86_64/kernel/fs/fuse/
total 96
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5604 Jan 10 03:04 cuse.ko.xz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 69696 Jan 10 03:04 fuse.ko.xz
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 13260 Jan 10 03:04 virtiofs.ko.xz
[toracat@m64r8 ~]$ grep CUSE /boot/c*


2025-01-27 21:00

reporter   ~0010293

I wonder if they just don't include it in the rpm after the compile and build the code.

Do you happen to know where I can find any repos that have the build/packaging logic? I wonder if their .spec file for when they construct the rpm just doesn't include cuse.ko even though they build it.


2025-01-27 21:03

administrator   ~0010294

This is something Rocky's developers need to attend to. I just notified them in their chat channel. Let's wait to hear from them.


2025-01-27 21:08

reporter   ~0010295

I appreciate the help @toracat!


2025-01-27 21:31

administrator   ~0010296

Louis (Rocky dev) provided a clear explanation. You need to install kernel-modules-extra. The cuse module is included in that package.


2025-01-27 22:04

reporter   ~0010297

Yes I just saw that, thank you for looking into this @toracat.

Not sure how to close this issue as resolved so if you want to do it on your end feel free to do so :)


2025-01-28 00:19

administrator   ~0010298


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-27 16:39 sdimitro New Issue
2025-01-27 16:39 sdimitro Status new => assigned
2025-01-27 16:39 sdimitro Assigned To => toracat
2025-01-27 17:23 toracat Note Added: 0010291
2025-01-27 20:52 toracat Note Added: 0010292
2025-01-27 21:00 sdimitro Note Added: 0010293
2025-01-27 21:03 toracat Note Added: 0010294
2025-01-27 21:08 sdimitro Note Added: 0010295
2025-01-27 21:31 toracat Note Added: 0010296
2025-01-27 22:04 sdimitro Note Added: 0010297
2025-01-28 00:19 toracat Status assigned => closed
2025-01-28 00:19 toracat Resolution open => no change required
2025-01-28 00:19 toracat Note Added: 0010298