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The kmod-nvidia package provides the NVIDIA driver kernel module (nvidia.ko). To determine which driver your graphics card requires, please use the nvidia-detect utility.

The nvidia-x11-drv package provides the proprietary NVIDIA binary OpenGL X11 display driver files. This package will be installed as a requirement for kmod-nvidia.

To install kmod-nvidia, run:

# yum install kmod-nvidia

If you don't know which graphics card you have, run:

# yum install nvidia-detect
# yum install $(nvidia-detect)

After installing / updating the nvidia package, users are advised to reboot their system. Simply restarting X may not suffice, one needs to drop out of X, remove and reload the nvidia kernel module and restart X. For most end users, a reboot will be simpler.

If you used Nvidia's binary installer
Users who have installed the driver by running the binary installer provided by Nvidia are advised to uninstall it before attempting to install kmod-nvidia. Run the same script that was used for the installation by adding a --uninstall flag. For example (adjust the name appropriately):

# sh ./ --uninstall

If you get a black screen upon reboot
If you are faced with a black screen and do NOT have ssh access to the system, then one way to obtain a usable CLI is to reboot the system, stop at the grub/grub2 menu, edit (i.e., “e”) the first kernel command line, add “ 3” to the end of the kernel command line, and continue the boot to (runlevel 3, non-GUI).

kmod-nvidia.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/08 12:41 by toracat